

  • 主演:内详  
  • 导演:伊休·帕提尔  
  • 分类:动漫
  • 地区:加拿大
  • 更新:2022-07-26 09:22
  • 年份:1984
  • 简介:1984 Oscar Winner for Best Animated Short   This is a lovely animated short. The basic plot question is poses is: which is preferable, a beautiful gi..


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  • 剧情介绍

2022-07-26T09:22:32 1984年加拿大7.0分动画片类综艺节目《仙境》英语版最新一期在线观看

1984 Oscar Winner for Best Animated Short   This is a lovely animated short. The basic plot question is poses is: which is preferable, a beautiful gilded cage, or your freedom?   The director is of Indian (as in south Asian) heritage, and it shows. Paradise looks a lot like the Taj Mahal. This short was done with a combination of computer and cell animation, and is quite pretty to ... 本剧最后更新时间1984 Oscar Winner for Best Animated Short   This is a lovely animated short. The basic plot question is poses is: which is preferable, a beautiful gilded cage, or your freedom?   The director is of Indian (as in south Asian) heritage, and it shows. Paradise looks a lot like the Taj Mahal. This short was done with a combination of computer and cell animation, and is quite pretty to ...


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