

  • 主演:内详  
  • 导演:内详  
  • 分类:综艺
  • 地区:欧美
  • 更新:2021-12-20 12:38
  • 年份:2021
  • 简介: The first episode traces the development of the four rocky planets in our solar system : Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They were born at the same ..


  • 剧情介绍

2021-12-20T12:38:59 2021年欧美9.0分国外综艺类动画片《八大行星》粤语版全集免费在线观看

The first episode traces the development of the four rocky planets in our solar system : Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They were born at the same time from the same material, yet have gone entirely different paths. What forces are at work behind it? Why has Earth thrived whilst the others have faded away? Advanced space missions reveal the moments when the fate of these worlds turned. 本剧最后更新时间 The first episode traces the development of the four rocky planets in our solar system : Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They were born at the same time from the same material, yet have gone entirely different paths. What forces are at work behind it? Why has Earth thrived whilst the others have faded away? Advanced space missions reveal the moments when the fate of these worlds turned.
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